Venice has a mix of many styles of architecture, while the local color is influenced by the temperature of day and patina of the varied surfaces. People ask me what artist/artists inspired my pieces. I can say the Synthetic Cubism paintings by Picasso and Brague, the collages by Kurt Schwitters and the photo montages by David Hockney
Tintoretto © 2012 Rafael Ferran |
My photo Tintoretto
was taken in the Sestiere di Canaregio on the northern end of Venice. The taller
building in the center is the home and studio of that great Venetian painter.
Today tourist can find lodging there. Also the Botega di Tintoretto, an
art school is located on the street level. I collaborated with a master printer
there, but that will be for another blog in the near future. I used the photo as the reference for my piece Buildings.
Buildings © 2012 Rafael Ferran |
Buildings is an abstraction derived from a restructuring of the three point perspective in the photograph.. The transfer of sky into separate blue areas works well with the fragmentation of the structure into distinct architectural details, e.g., windows, gutters, roof tops, interior rooms, doorway entrance, and street. The materials utilized are photographs, store coupons and magazine reproductions. They were assembled and then enlarged with the Xerox copier. The image was transferred onto archival paper. Paint color was added for some details.